Anubias barteri var. ‘Pinto’ – Pot 1.5in


Anubias are a hardy and reliable genera of aquatic plants that work well in just about any aquarium, including African setups (which is their natural habitat)! Native to tropical regions in the continent of Africa, these plants are prized for their durability and ease of care, making them popular among both beginner and experienced aquarists. Low light and nutrient requirements, and wide range of accepted temperatures make this plant a perfect starter for those just entering the planted tank . Anubias can be grown both partially and fully submerged, as long as the rhizome is above the substrate. Anubias species are also suitable for paludariums and terrariums, adding lush greenery to any environment. 

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Anubias “Pinto” is an extraordinarily beautiful dwarf species, with small, marbled white and green leaves. A rare plant, though it differes from a standard chlorophyll mutation ; the meristem is non muated rather the plant is infected with a virus that prevents the plant to produce green chlorophyll pigment in some of its cells.  Slower growing than normal Anubias, higher light is suggested to keep this plant growing well and keeping as much of the white coloration as possible. 

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Very Slow

Max size: up to 4″

Water parameters: 70°F – 87°F, pH 6 – 9, dGH 3 – 8° 

Lighting: Moderate

Propagation: Rhizome division

Placement: Foreground to midground

Co2 needed: No

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