Anubias sp. ‘Giant Stardust’ – Pot 1.5in


Anubias are a hardy and reliable genera of aquatic plants that work well in just about any aquarium, including African setups (which is their natural habitat)! Low light and nutrient requirements, a wide range of accepted temperatures, and waxy leaves make this plant a perfect starter for those just entering the planted tank hobby, or for experienced hobbyists. Anubias can be grown both partially and fully submerged, as long as the rhizome is above the substrate. 

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SKU: AnuGiaStar Categories: , ,


Anubias sp. ‘Giant Stardust’ is an exteremly rare mutated cultivar of Anubias barteri . This cultivar is very hard to come by in the states and features a striking , prominent white vein down the center stem giving an almost galaxy star streak. Sometimes this plant will throw out randomly variegated leafs , if youd like it to continue with the galaxy coloration its suggested to trim the unwanted growth . 

Care Level: Easy

Growth Rate: Slow

Max size: 3.2” (4.7 including rhizome)

Water parameters: 70°F – 87°F, pH 6 – 9, dGH 3 – 8° 

Lighting: Low

Propagation: Rhizome division

Placement: Foreground to background

Co2 needed: No

If your location is below 10°F overnight on your day of arrival, we cannot guarantee live arrival. Please make sure you check your local weather and consider waiting
to place an order once the weather is warmer, for the safety of the fish.